
Abortion and the Heartbeat Bill

Whilst on Facebook, this post came across my feed: The one thing that immediately stood out to me is this: it just doesn't do what the person sharing the post claims it does, it doesn't make an "open and shut case" for rejecting the Heartbeat Bill, nor for the justification of abortion. For those not aware, the state of Georgia recently signed into law the Heartbeat Bill, which effectively states that an unborn child with a detectable heartbeat (roughly 4-6 weeks gestation) [1] is to be viewed as a legal person worthy of rights and protection. The text of the bill can be found in the footnotes . [2] Listed below are my reasons for holding that this post doesn't provide an "open and shut case" on the topic at all, but rather merely builds up a strawman with next to no proper representation of that which it intends to tackle. Scientifically speaking, abortion takes the life of an innocent human being, as is evidenced by the science of embryol

Non-Biblical Sources for Jesus of Nazareth

Non-Biblical Sources on the Life of Jesus of Nazareth: It has come to that wonderful time of year in the Christian calendar when believers pay particular attention to Jesus' resurrection; churches will be packed, great hymns will be sung, and much joy will be had. But, as is part and parcel with such a season, atheists and non-believers alike, particularly those who hold to mythicism, will go on tirades on social media about how 'Jesus never existed!', and this year I do not doubt that the coincidental falling of Easter on April Fool's day will only spur them on further. The intention of this paper is to refute the claims of the mythicist by providing historical data concerning Jesus of Nazareth; His life, His death, and the views of the early church concerning Him. 1.      Thallus: While we unfortunately do not have any copies of his original works, we find commentary on his histories from the writer Julius Africanus in his magnum opus Chronography 18:1